Multi-Billion-Dollar Pet Food Fraud: Hiding in Plain Sight

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Dr. Tom Lonsdale
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Rivetco Pty. Ltd.
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Behind the glossy ads and hype of the pet care industry lies an inconvenient truth: the industrial diets we feed our dogs and cats are causing a global epidemic of sickness and suffering.

From tartar-encrusted teeth and stinking breath to weakened immunity and a host of diseases, our pets are being harmed by the highly processed 'junk pet food' we place in their bowls.

Manufacturers and vets selectively disregard scientific facts, pushing money-making products and services that cost us billions and, ultimately, our pets their lives.

It's a fraud of epic proportions.

Based on decades of rigorous research and astute observation, Multi-Billion-Dollar Pet Food Fraud by whistleblower vet and natural feeding advocate Dr Tom Lonsdale provides the tools and guidance to help you keep your pets healthy and happy.

It explains why raw meaty bones are both nutritious and nature's medicine, supported by a wealth of case studies and testimonials from grateful pet owners.

And it exposes the shameful failings of pet food manufacturers, veterinary practices and veterinary schools intent on keeping us in the dark.

It's time to blow away the smokescreen for your pet's and wallet's sake. Are you ready?

Dr Lonsdale graduated from the Royal Veterinary College, University of London in 1972. And thus began a varied career in veterinary medicine commencing as a volunteer in Nairobi, Kenya followed by work in farm animal, zoo animal and small animal private practice in the United Kingdom. In 1980 he emigrated to Australia and established a group of mixed animal veterinary clinics in Western Sydney.

In the early years Dr Lonsdale adhered to conventional veterinary teaching and practice. However by the late 1980s his career took a different turn. Together with veterinary colleagues, dubbed the Raw Meaty Bones Lobby, a new perception, a new set of values took hold. It became clear to Dr Lonsdale that the modern fashion of feeding dogs and cats industrial, highly processed products was in fact the reason a majority of domestic carnivores suffer from putrid breath and a host of diet related diseases. By changing his patients' diet from packaged food to a diet of raw meaty bones puppies and kittens gained a new vitality. Old dogs and cats gained a new lease on life.

Dr Lonsdale took up the challenge by blowing the whistle on the pet food industry/veterinary profession/fake animal welfare alliance. From 1991 to the present he has been the leader of the Raw

15 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5
    Pet Food Fraud

    Posted by Pat Miller on 12th Jul 2024

    Vitally important information!!! People need to know how flawed the pet food industry is and how harmful commercial foods are for their dogs! This book tells it all.

  • 5
    Multi-Billion-Dollar Pet Food Fraud: Hiding in Plain Sight

    Posted by Aanjaneya Sharma on 22nd May 2024

    Dr. Tom Lonsdale's "Multi-Billion-Dollar Pet Food Fraud" emerges not just as a book but as a potent force for change in the realm of pet nutrition. It stands as a resolute testament to the power of knowledge and advocacy in safeguarding the health and well-being of our beloved animal companions. From the outset, Lonsdale's narrative captivates with its raw authenticity, tracing his journey from skepticism to fervent advocacy for raw, meaty bone diets. Through a masterful blend of anecdotal evidence, scientific rigor, and industry exposé, he peels back the layers of deception shrouding the pet food industry, revealing its profit-driven motives and the dire consequences for our pets' health. What elevates Lonsdale's work to unparalleled heights is its unwavering commitment to action. Beyond merely exposing the industry's transgressions, he equips readers with the tools and knowledge needed to effect tangible change. Practical guidance for transitioning pets to raw diets, coupled with compelling success stories, empowers readers to take charge of their pets' nutrition with confidence and conviction. Lonsdale's meticulous research underpins every argument, rendering his assertions irrefutable in their authority. While his tone may verge on confrontational, it stems from a deep-seated sense of duty—to champion the voiceless and advocate for their well-being with unwavering resolve. "Multi-Billion-Dollar Pet Food Fraud" is not without its controversies. Lonsdale's advocacy for raw diets challenges entrenched beliefs and invites scrutiny. Yet, therein lies the book's brilliance—it sparks critical discourse, prompting readers to reassess long-held paradigms and forge a new path towards pet wellness. As for the book itself, it stands as a paragon of flawless editing. The narrative flows seamlessly, enriched by captivating visuals that breathe life into Lonsdale's arguments. While minor imperfections may dot its pages, they pale in comparison to the magnitude of its message. In unequivocal terms, "Multi-Billion-Dollar Pet Food Fraud" earns a resplendent 5 out of 5 stars. Its profound impact on pet nutrition and welfare transcends mere accolades, heralding a new era of enlightenment and empowerment for pet owners worldwide. For those who heed its call, this book serves not just as a beacon of hope but as a catalyst for transformative change—a testament to the enduring power of knowledge in safeguarding the health and happiness of our furry companions.

  • 5
    Multi-Billion-Dollar Pet Food Fraud: Hiding in Plain Sight

    Posted by Ramadevi Tatavarthi on 22nd May 2024

    Multi-Billion-Dollar Pet Food Fraud is a comprehensive critique of the pet food industry and conventional veterinary practices, authored by Dr. Tom Lonsdale, a veterinarian advocating for a shift towards natural, species-appropriate diets for pets. It commences with the author's personal motivations for writing the book and recounts his experiences witnessing the detrimental effects of processed pet foods on animal health. The author exposes collusion between the pet food industry and veterinary professionals, challenging the status quo and advocating for greater awareness among pet owners and veterinarians. Structured into several parts, each addressing different aspects of the issue, the book covers the historical development of commercial pet foods, the influence of major corporations, the shortcomings of veterinary education, and the challenges faced in advocating for healthier pet diets. Anecdotes, case studies, and testimonies from pet owners are utilized to illustrate the impact of junk pet food on animals' health and the transformative effects of switching to natural diets. Key highlights include the author's advocacy for raw meaty bones as a source of nutrition for carnivorous pets, criticisms of the pet food industry's marketing tactics, and discussions on legal actions and the potential roles of various groups in challenging industry practices. The author urges readers to question established beliefs, advocate for change, and prioritize pet health over commercial interests. The structure of the book is well-organized, with each part providing background information, analysis, and practical recommendations. The author effectively utilizes evidence and storytelling to engage readers and underscore the urgency of the issue. The book serves as a powerful exposé of the pet food industry's fraudulent practices and a rallying cry for a paradigm shift in pet nutrition and veterinary care. I really appreciate how this book delves into the complex issues surrounding the pet food industry and veterinary practices. It's eye-opening to see how the industry's influence extends not just to what goes into our pets' bowls but also to media coverage, as highlighted by the suppression of critical articles due to corporate pressure. The book's discussion of the potential roles of various groups and individuals in advocating for healthier pet food practices is incredibly insightful. It's encouraging to see how diverse stakeholders, from butchers to elected representatives, can play a part in bringing about positive change. This reinforces the idea that we all have a role to play in ensuring the well-being of our pets. There's nothing to dislike about this book. The absence of errors in this book reflects its exceptional editing. There is profanity present within its pages. I give this book 5 out of 5 stars because it provides valuable insights into the pet food industry and veterinary practices, shedding light on important issues that affect our pets' health. I would recommend this book to pet owners who are interested in learning more about what goes into their pets' food and how to make informed choices for their furry friends.

  • 5
    Multi-Billion-Dollar Pet Food Fraud: Hiding in Plain Sight

    Posted by Eugine Ingalwa on 22nd May 2024

    Pets are not in a position to make decisions regarding their health, diet, and general well-being. Therefore, this task lies with pet owners, veterinarians, and policymakers. Multi-Billion-Dollar Pet Food Fraud by Dr. Tom Lonsdale delves into the consequences of exposing pets to processed foods. He emphasizes that junk food contradicts cats', dogs', and ferrets' innate habits and dietary needs as omnivores and carnivores. Tom believes that pet food fraud is a lucrative venture where entrepreneurs, veterinarians, veterinary intuitions, and pet owners play key roles. However, pets and their owners are the ones who bear the emotional, physical, and financial burden. Dr. Lonsdale provides a detailed explanation of the underlying issue by noting that a significant number of patients exhibit similar signs and symptoms when seeking medical assistance. The discussion includes crucial points outlining the distinctions between a healthy and an ill pet. One fascinating aspect is the study of animals' intriguing eating habits and their preferences for specific body parts of other animals like fish and chicken. He delves deeper into scientific research, expert opinions, and clinical trials to ensure that the information disseminated to the public is based on evidence and credibility. Notably, raw meaty bones offer more than just nutritional value to a pet. Dr. Lonsdale links the excess consumption of processed foods and the rising cases of periodontal diseases among pets. I will let you find out how. Dr. Tom's dedication to advocating for pets is both commendable and outstanding. Despite knowing that his ideas often provoke controversy with established entities like Mars Petcare, Nestle, and AVA, he persists in his endeavors. He challenges his opponents proactively by presenting supporting videos and testimonials from pet owners who endorse his concepts. Tom leverages various communication channels, such as magazine articles, conferences, letters, books, and YouTube to share his message effectively. It is commendable that his message has resonated with many individuals, eliciting positive responses about the impact of his teachings. Despite substantial evidence that our pets are endangered by multi-billion-dollar junk food processing companies, there remains a reluctance among many to embrace policies that prioritize animals' welfare. Read more on how the media influences Dr. Tom's situation. I like the fact that this book provides a lot of different reference materials like websites, videos, and books, which allow further exploration independently. Additionally, the author has taken enough time to teach about pets' health, information that is hard to find in one place. Furthermore, the inclusion of pictures helps to explain medical concepts to non-medics. However, this book's main flaw is the inclusion of some pictures that are not that pleasant to look at. A good example is the picture on page 68. The editing team did a good job; I encountered zero errors while reading. The flaw mentioned above is not enough to deny this book a perfect rating. I hereby rate this book five out of five stars because of the positives mentioned above. I recommend it to veterinarians and pet owners.

  • 5
    Multi-Billion-Dollar Pet Food Fraud: Hiding in Plain Sight

    Posted by Budh Prakash Singh on 10th Feb 2024

    Dr. Tom Lonsdale's "Multi-Billion-Dollar Pet Food Fraud" is a passionate call to arms for pet owners, an explosive exposé of the supposedly lucrative, surprisingly shady world of commercial pet food. Lonsdale, a veteran veterinarian and tireless advocate for raw meaty bone (RMB) diets, doesn't mince words. He paints a grim picture of an industry driven by profits over pet health, reliant on processed, low-quality ingredients, and aided by a cozy alliance with veterinarians and animal welfare groups. The book opens with Lonsdale's journey, detailing his early skepticism towards traditional kibble and his gradual awakening to the benefits of RMB diets. He weaves in case studies of animals thriving on raw food after years of kibble-related woes, from skin allergies and digestive issues to sluggishness and obesity. These anecdotes personalize the statistics and scientific arguments, making the case for RMB visceral and immediate. Lonsdale dedicates a significant portion to dismantling the industry's claims, tackling myths like the nutritional completeness of kibble and the dangers of raw feeding. He debunks the "pink slime" controversy and unpacks the complex web of regulations and lobbying that favor large pet food companies. His tone is often fiery, bordering on combative, but his meticulous research and citations bolster his claims, even against the formidable clout of industry giants. However, the book is not solely an attack on kibble. Lonsdale offers practical guidance for transitioning pets to RMB diets, providing detailed instructions on sourcing suitable bones, balancing meals, and addressing any concerns. He shares personal testimonies from fellow veterinarians and pet owners who have seen remarkable improvements in their animals' health after switching to RMB, adding social proof to his scientific arguments. While Lonsdale's stance is undeniably polarizing, it's impossible to ignore the weight of his evidence. The book raises valid questions about the ethics of an industry prioritizing profit over pet well-being, and the potential consequences of feeding our furry companions nutritionally deficient, chemical-laden food. "Multi-Billion-Dollar Pet Food Fraud" is not a comfortable read for pet owners accustomed to the convenience and perceived safety of kibble. It challenges deeply ingrained beliefs and prompts a re-evaluation of our relationship with our pets and the food we give them. It's a wake-up call to responsible pet ownership, urging us to question the status quo and explore potentially healthier alternatives. Whether you agree with Lonsdale's fervent advocacy for RMB or not, this book cannot be ignored. It's a valuable resource for any pet owner concerned about their companion's health, providing information to make informed decisions about their furry family members' diet. It calls for transparency, responsible pet ownership, and a return to nature's bounty for our beloved companions. This book deserves 5 out of 5 stars for exploring, providing, and showing the other side of the story of the pet food industry.

  • 5
    Multi-Billion-Dollar Pet Food Fraud: Hiding in Plain Sight

    Posted by Able Greenspan, Midwest Book Review on 18th Dec 2023

    Multi-Billion-Dollar Pet Food Fraud: Hiding in Plain Sight Dr. Tom Lonsdale Rivetco Pty. Ltd. 9780645726503, $16.99, PB, 446pp Synopsis: Behind the glossy ads and hype of the pet care industry lies an inconvenient truth -- that the industrial diets we are feeding to our dogs and cats are causing a global epidemic of canine and feline sickness and suffering. From tartar-encrusted teeth and stinking breath to weakened immunity and a host of diseases, our pets are being harmed by the highly processed 'junk pet food' we place in their bowls. Manufacturers and vets selectively disregard scientific facts, pushing money-making products and services that cost us billions and, ultimately, our pets their lives. It's a fraud of epic proportions. Based on decades of rigorous research and astute observation, "Multi-Billion-Dollar Pet Food Fraud: Hiding in Plain Sight " by whistle blower veterinarian and natural feeding advocate Dr Tom Lonsdale provides the tools and guidance to help you keep your pets healthy and happy. Dr. Lonsdale explains why raw meaty bones are both nutritious and nature's medicine, supported by a wealth of case studies and testimonials from grateful pet owners. And he also exposes the shameful failings of pet food manufacturers, veterinary practices and veterinary schools intent on keeping us in the dark. It's time to blow away the smokescreen for your pet's and your wallet's sake. Critique: An eye-opening revelation that will hold immense and personal interest for anyone who has a beloved canine or feline companion, "Multi-Billion-Dollar Pet Food Fraud: Hiding in Plain Sight" is an astonishing expose and one that is especially and unreservedly recommended for personal, professional, community, and college/university library Veterinary Medicine and Pet Food & Nutrition collection. Exceptionally well written, organized and presented, it should be noted for personal reading lists that 'Multi-Billion-Dollar Pet Food Fraud: Hiding in Plain Sight" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $9.99). Editorial Note: Dr. Tom Lonsdale graduated from the Royal Veterinary College, University of London in 1972. And thus began a varied career in veterinary medicine commencing as a volunteer in Nairobi, Kenya followed by work in farm animal, zoo animal and small animal private practice in the United Kingdom. In 1980 he emigrated to Australia and established a group of mixed animal veterinary clinics in Western Sydney. In the early years Dr Lonsdale adhered to conventional veterinary teaching and practice. However by the late 1980s his career took a different turn. Together with veterinary colleagues, dubbed the Raw Meaty Bones Lobby, a new perception, a new set of values took hold. It became clear to Dr Lonsdale that the modern fashion of feeding dogs and cats industrial, highly processed products was in fact the reason a majority of domestic carnivores suffer from putrid breath and a host of diet related diseases. By changing his patients' diet from packaged food to a diet of raw meaty bones puppies and kittens gained a new vitality. Old dogs and cats gained a new lease on life. Dr Lonsdale took up the challenge by blowing the whistle on the pet food industry/veterinary profession/fake animal welfare alliance. From 1991 to the present he has been the leader of the Raw Meaty Bones Lobby.

  • 5
    Multi-Billion-Dollar Pet Food Fraud: Hiding in Plain Sight

    Posted by Reader Views on 13th Dec 2023

    Multi-Billion-Dollar Pet Food Fraud Dr. Tom Lonsdale Rivetco Pty. Ltd. (2023) ISBN: 978-0645726503 Reviewed by Ephantus M. for Reader Views (11/2023) 5*- A Handy Guidebook in Every Pet Owner's Collection "Multi-Billion-Dollar Pet Food Fraud: Hiding in Plain Sight" is a rigorously researched exposition by whistleblower vet and natural feeding advocate, Dr. Tom Lonsdale. In it, he exposes the well-woven web of deceptive and greedy manufacturers of pet food who have little to no regard for good animal health. In this book, Dr. Lonsdale takes readers on a journey that he believes will illuminate the present-day undeniable junk pet food devastation and the arduous work of trying to disclose and crush it. He believes that it will be useful to know where the modern concept of “pet food” came from and how pet keepers can ultimately revert to healthier options from bygone times. He begins by recalling a frightening observation during the span of his career: almost every consulting client he ever met had no one to share with them sound, healthy dietary advice for their pets. The reality on the ground was that numerous pet owners had been convinced by marketers and vets that the centuries-old diet of meat and bone should be replaced with big commercial brands. This set in motion a series of diseases in domesticated animals. Dr. Lonsdale believes that it all starts with the wooing of young, ambitious vets by the junk pet food industry's nutritional experts to recommend their brands in exchange for a tip here or there. By the time they settle into their practice, they are intoxicated with propaganda without realizing the sad reality that they are being used to generate revenue for pet food companies. I admired the author's courage in calling out a vice that has seen many pets experience shortened life spans and diseases such as arthritis and increased rates of cancer. To my mind, the best chapter is "Protecting Your Pets: Everyday Reality in the Consulting Room," where the doctor explains how junk food chemicals remain in the body of a pet for days, eventually taking a toll on its immune system. The chapter also helped me understand how the industry has managed to keep true, accurate, and useful information from pet owners while simultaneously exposing them to a jumble of erroneous data for the sake of monetary gains. "Multi-Billion-Dollar Pet Food Fraud: Hiding in Plain Sight" by Dr. Tom Lonsdale is a straightforward, easy-to-read, and practical book that ensures the reader is properly informed on what to feed their pet. I loved the author's approach to bone meals, which is a lost concept in today's modern world. I loved every inch of this meticulous exposition, especially for its hard-striking truth, which I'm sure when given thought, will see pets worldwide live longer and healthier lives. This book's real value is in its delivery of peace of mind to those who are or may have already felt the sting of modern-day commercial foods. I highly recommend it to anyone who wishes to make better decisions for their cherished four-legged friends.

  • 4
    Multi-Billion-Dollar Pet Food Fraud: Hiding in Plain Sight

    Posted by Mynt Sleeves on 30th Oct 2023

    In his groundbreaking exposé, "Multi-Billion-Dollar Pet Food Fraud," Dr. Tom Lonsdale meticulously dismantles the pet food industry's facade, revealing a shocking truth that pet owners can no longer afford to ignore. With unwavering dedication, Lonsdale peels back the layers of deception, unmasking a multibillion-dollar fraud that has jeopardized the health and well-being of our beloved animal companions. Lonsdale's expertise shines through as he dissects the questionable ingredients and dubious practices rampant in commercial pet foods. With compelling evidence and thorough research, he sheds light on the substandard quality of ingredients that find their way into pet food bowls, leaving pet owners aghast and demanding change. His impassioned plea for transparency and accountability reverberates throughout the book, urging consumers to scrutinize labels and make informed choices for their pets. One of the book's standout qualities is Lonsdale's ability to demystify complex scientific jargon, making the information accessible to every reader. His engaging writing style keeps the readers hooked, unveiling the harsh reality of the pet food industry in a compelling narrative that is as informative as it is eye-opening. Additionally, Lonsdale provides practical alternatives and solutions for concerned pet owners, empowering them to take control of their pets' nutrition. By advocating for a return to natural, species-appropriate diets, he offers a lifeline to pet owners searching for healthier, more nutritious options. "Multi-Billion-Dollar Pet Food Fraud" is a wake-up call that resonates deeply with pet lovers, prompting a reevaluation of their furry friends' diets. Dr. Tom Lonsdale's unwavering dedication to exposing the truth behind the pet food industry has created a vital resource that demands attention and action. This book is not just a revelation; it's a catalyst for change, inspiring a movement toward better, more conscientious pet nutrition. Every pet owner should read this eye-opening masterpiece and embark on a journey toward providing their pets with the wholesome, nourishing meals they deserve.

  • 5
    Multi Billion Dollar Pet Food Fraud

    Posted by Semirah Darwin on 12th Sep 2023

    Following the publication of his two previous books Raw Meaty Bones: Promote Health and Work Wonders: Feed Your Dog Raw Meaty Bones, veteran whistleblower Dr Tom Lonsdale returns with Multi Billion Dollar Pet Food Fraud: Hiding in Plain Sight - an eye opening exposé of the junk pet food industry’s stranglehold over veterinary schools, veterinarians, regulators and the media. For the past thirty years, Lonsdale has sought to get his message out to the public - processed pet food is shortening our pets’ lives with its worldwide popularity a direct result of the infiltration of veterinary schools by the junk pet food producers. According to Lonsdale, the best diet for a dog or cat consists of a species appropriate diet of raw meaty bones. His book is at times a compelling yet alarming read. Can the assault on our pets by the gigantic fast food corporations really be stopped? Lonsdale provides an update to his lifelong quest to somehow stop the rot and offers solutions to turn the tide against the alliance between the pet food conglomerates and their salesmen-turned-veterinarians. Pointing to a lack of accepted research on what a dog or cat should be eating, Lonsdale claims that the pet fast food industry, enabled by the veterinary profession and regulators, conspires to ensure that no research would ever emerge that would threaten its reputation and prepackaged pet food products. The only evidence that is available serves to protect the influence of the kibble manufacturers. Lonsdale launches a blistering critique of the veterinary schools, pouring scorn and derision on their tie ups with the dried food mega institutions which facilitate a steady stream of indoctrinated young veterinarians to enter the work force and plug their processed products to an unsuspecting public. Could perhaps the professors and lecturers at the veterinary schools be more likely to resist such malign influence? Lonsdale asserts that, unsurprisingly, academia does not dare bite the hand that feeds them, such is the pervasive power of the dry and canned pet food companies over the veterinary schools. In order to prosper, the convenience pet food monopoly requires willing salespeople with young veterinary students being ideal trainees. Lonsdale heaps blame on the veterinary schools for allowing this undesirable situation to exist and laments the fact that students are not taught much else other than opening a bag of dry pellets and pouring out the contents, frightened by talk of bacteria and food safety for humans, rather than animals. With no theory, no practical know how and no experience of natural feeding, is it any surprise that impressionable young students do not want to rock the boat and challenge their superiors? Lonsdale notes that the human medical and dental professions extol the benefits of an unprocessed diet while the veterinary profession bizarrely touts the exact opposite. Doesn’t that bother anyone just a little bit? Maybe the regulators? What about veterinary schools? Perhaps veterinarians themselves? No one is keen to rock the status quo. Does this unhealthy level of sponsorship by the kibble producers not represent a massive conflict of interest, Lonsdale asks. Lonsdale’s controversial claim that the artificial pet food industry in cahoots with the veterinary profession is responsible for the mass poisoning of domestic pets is backed up by his Freedom of Information requests and detailed correspondence with various regulatory bodies and veterinary schools. Those who dare to speak out against this collusion are dismissed as Lonsdale found out when he was expelled from the Australian Veterinary Association. The internet, TV, radio and print media, fuelled by advertising revenue from the junk pet food business, reinforce its message and are unwilling to promote a raw meaty bones diet as that would jeopardise their advertising revenue stream and upset their paymasters. Critics counter that, well, the similar problem of collusion between Big Pharma and the medical profession exists on the human side too but Lonsdale argues that government departments tend to regulate most of the unhealthy pharma excesses - human doctors do not retail fast food in their waiting rooms. Perhaps surprisingly, Lonsdale also takes aim at the BARFers because although they do succeed in getting dogs off dry food, they then credit all the health improvements to their processed raw products, which he thinks is misplaced. With the kibble giants being public enemy number one, Lonsdale invokes a David vs. Goliath style battle and makes the case that owners should expose the corruption and wage war against the system on behalf of their pets. The other side has lawyers, marketing propagandists, psychologists and political lobbyists to promote their message. Vast amounts of advertising revenue buy them flattering pieces in the compliant media. How can the mere pet owner possibly effect any change in the face of such an onslaught? Lonsdale’s work is essentially a call to arms. In his view it is imperative that a revolution must occur. He has been banging the drum for pets the past four decades - has anything really changed? Yes - there is more awareness of the harm that convenience food can do to dogs, but at the same time the pet food trade has doubled down its efforts to suppress any discussion on the benefits of a raw meaty bones diet. The majority of commercial pet food remains in the hands of global monolithic corporations. As individuals we can make a difference but concerted efforts have to be made to reach out to entities such as disillusioned veterinarians, politicians and perhaps even human doctors in order to drive change. Lonsdale encourages the use of whistleblowers to infiltrate the junk pet food producers to provide further evidence of the systemic corruption. Pets cannot speak. They cannot make decisions. We must speak out for them because no one else will. If you want to change your pet’s diet for the better, become motivated and make change, read this important book.